World’s Top 4 Under Water Destinations

There is a growing interest in the underwater tourism worldwide. There always has been curiosity to know what’s underwater. This drove numerous submarine companies to build the underwater resort. The world’s first underwater resort was built in Fiji but now with the booming market the competition has increased greatly. Now, let’s look at the top underwater destinations:

  1. 6Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Malaysia: One can get an intimidating experience in the Barracuda Point. The traffic of fish here in the underwater can be correctly compared with the streets of New Delhi. You will also find a giant barracuda tornado and hammerhead sharks. You will also find hundreds of jackfish and also the sea turtles which are three-meter beasts. You should also watch-out for the strange-looking bum head parrot fish and eerie batfish.

  2. Yongala, Queensland, Australia: This SS Yongala shipwreck is a century-old which is 110 meters in size. With a tropical cyclone in 1911, it sank with 124 passengers onboard. In the 1950s, the eerie wreck was found which is surrounded by history, manta, trevallies, two-meter giant groupers, eagle ray, rare bull, tiger and leopard sharks. However, the main attractions are the graceful minke whales and singing humpback whales which is up to 16 meter long.
    Dubai Underwater
  3. The Water Discus, Dubai: This would be the first underwater five-star destination which would be 30 feet below the surface in a giant disc and will have 21 rooms. The disc above the water will contain a spa, swimming pool and garden. Its other discs will have a helipad and diving center and emergency flotation pods. There will be a central shaft that would connect the upper and lower levels. This whole structure gives the look of a spaceship. During the repairs or evacuation, the entire hotel can even be raised above the water. You can also take the pleasure of yacht chartering by booking online in advance 2
  4. SS Thistlegorm, Red Sea, Egypt: This wreck dive is very popular and well-known in the world. it was a 128 meter long British transport ship. However, later in 1941, it was attacked and sunk on its way from Glasgow to Alexandria. This ship contained different trucks, motorbikes, armored cars, vehicle parts, trailers, rifles, rubber boots and radios. Now, all these, including ship, are found at the bottom of the ocean. You will also find some crocodile fish in the sand by the wreck.

The list does not at all end here. There many in Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Maldives, Egypt and much more.